F. Strait Fairey, MD Primary Care Symposium

A day focused on topics important to the primary care provider.


Program Information

The F. Strait Fairey, MD Primary Care Symposium was held on Saturday, February 8 at Trident Technical College. The subject matter expert presenters shared relevant and valuable information for primary care providers.

Roper St. Francis Healthcare is accredited by the Medical Association of Georgia to provide Continuing Medical Education for physicians.

The Roper St. Francis Healthcare designates this enduring activity for a maximum of 7.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

2.00 of the 7.00 hours on pharmacotherapeutic education is pharmacotherapeutic/controlled substance prescriptive authority content. These 2.00 hours fulfill the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners Opioid education mandate related to approved procedures of prescribing and monitoring controlled substances.

To receive CME credit, learner must:

CME credits are allowed until 12/1/2025

If you have any questions, email physicianliaisons@rsfh.com.


 Presentation and video Speaker
Common Dermatology Conditions presentation and video Dr. Richard Pierce, Clearline Dermatology
AI in Primary Care presentation
and video
Dr. Andreya Risser, Bon Secours Mercy Health System Medical Director of Access
Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Illnesses presentation and video
Dr. Toby Fugate, Roper St Francis Health Services Center
Unlocking the secrets of the CBC presentation and video
Dr. Brian Greenwell, Charleston Oncology
Controlled Substance Prescribing in SC - A Focus on Opioid presentation
and video
Dr. Samuel Parish, Roper St. Francis Physician Partners Addiction Medicine
New Drug Updates presentation and videoScott W. Bragg, PharmD, BCPS, Professor, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), College of Pharmacy and Department of Family Medicine

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