Brain Injury Specialty Program

A brain injury can occur from trauma or other neurological diagnoses such as tumors, infections, or anoxia. An injury to the brain may cause physical impairments, changes to behavior and personality, or difficulty with communication, memory and thinking.

Roper Rehabilitation Hospital's Brain Injury Specialty program is one of only two facilities in the state to achieve Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accreditation as a brain injury specialty. We provide comprehensive, specialized care to our patients recovering from brain injury. Our experienced staff and specialty resources help patients work towards their goals.

woman putting food on shelf

Our programs

The Brain Injury Specialty Program is proud to offer an inpatient and an outpatient program. The outpatient program is offered through Roper Hospital's Outpatient Rehabilitation Services. Roper Rehabilitation Hospital's unique location inside of Roper Hospital provides the Brain Injury Specialty Program patients access to advanced medical care 24/7 and is part of the Roper St. Francis Healthcare's continuum of care which includes outpatient rehabilitation, home health and hospice.

Experienced staff

Our comprehensive interdisciplinary team is committed to providing excellent, patient-centered care.

The medical director for the Brain Injury Specialty Program, Dr. David Powell, is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, brain injury medicine and spinal cord injury medicine. Team members have specialized training in addressing the needs of the brain injury population, including:

  • Certified rehabilitation registered nurses
  • Neurological clinical specialists
  • Certified brain injury specialists
  • Certified brain injury specialist trainer

Specialty equipment and resources

The brain injury inpatient unit within Roper Rehabilitation Hospital has special features designed for this population including all private rooms, dimmable lights, overhead lifts in every room, quiet treatment spaces and more. Therapy utilizes the most advanced technology and comprehensive resources:

  • Lite Gait© and Maxi-Sky© body weight support systems
  • Functional electrical stimulation devices, including:
    • Bioness L300 Plus
    • Bioness H200 Wireless
    • FES cycle
  • Xcite
  • Dynavision
  • Brain injury educational handbooks for survivors and caregivers
  • Weekly brain injury education classes for survivors
  • Brain injury caregiver education class
  • A peer mentor program where brain injury survivors can counsel and encourage current brain injury patients.
  • Community outings if appropriate.

Contact information

Inpatient program:
Michelle Moore, MSP, CCC-SLP, CBIS
Speech Language Pathologist
Brain Injury Coordinator
Roper Rehabilitation Hospital
(843) 720-8378

Outpatient Program
Emma Chambers, OTR/L, CCDT
Manager of Rehabilitation Services at Roper Hospital
(843) 724-2760

Program outcomes

2024 Brain Injury Inpatient Demographics and Outcomes:

  • 93 patients with a diagnosis of brain injury were cared for in our program.
  • The average age of our patients treated following a brain injury was 60 years old.
  • Ratio of male to female: 58 male 35 female
  • The average length of stay for our patients with a diagnosis of brain injury was 12.4 days compared to the region which was 12.9 days.
  • 79.6% of our patients with brain injury returned to the community instead of another level of care. Our rate is higher than the region at 80.3%.
  • 14% of our patients had unplanned transfers to acute medical facilities. Compared to region which was 11.5%.
  • 6.5% of our patients discharged to skilled nursing facility as compared to 7.4% for the region.
  • 82% of our brain injury patients rated their quality of care as excellent to very good.
  • 100% of our patients with a brain injury rated their satisfaction with goal attainment as very satisfied to satisfied.
  • Patients with brain injury received an average of 3 hours of therapy 5 days per week.

2023 Brain Injury Outpatient Demographics and Outcomes:

  • 28 patients with a diagnosis of brain injury were seen for intensive outpatient therapy.
  • 2 patients returned to work.
  • 2 patients returned to school.
  • Patients received an average of 1-3 hours of therapy 3-4 times per week. Treatment time for outpatient therapy is determined following evaluation and is based upon the therapists' Plan of Care.
  • Patients received an average of 8.53 PT visits and 8.96 OT visits.
  • 93% of patients rated competence of staff as excellent.
  • 100% of patients were very satisfied with goals achieved.
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