Joint replacement surgery
1,900+ surgeries
Performed per year
1.27 days
Shorter hospital stay
At Roper St. Francis Healthcare, we’re typically first in the region to introduce advanced minimally invasive techniques that speed recovery and decrease pain – reducing the need for heavy pain medication.
- Advanced Mako® robot-assisted surgery system
- Implant fixation
- Functional implant positioning.
In addition, for hip replacements, we can use “bikini incisions” for appropriate patients – very small diagonal incisions in front of the hip that minimize scarring and lead to faster recovery.
Why choose Roper St. Francis Healthcare hip and knee specialists?
- A team of highly skilled and compassionate surgeons, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses and therapists.
- Providing a full range of treatment options.
- A streamlined process to improve outcomes and shorten hospital stays.
- Offering a same-day discharge program for many procedures to help get you home and recover faster.