We are excited to announce that this year is the 6th anniversary of the Roper St. Francis Foundation Teammate Giving Campaign! The campaign kicks off on August 1, and will be led internally by our Foundation Team in partnership with Trident United Way and give you a convenient way once a year to donate. Just like last year, you can choose to make your impact by supporting Roper St. Francis Healthcare, Trident United Way, or both if you wish.
As a teammate of a non-profit healthcare system, you have a unique opportunity to enrich the wellness of your community beyond the excellent care and service you provide. From payroll deduction to our new Power of One program, there are many ways to give. No matter the size or designation, all donations will go to support either Roper St. Francis Healthcare or Trident United Way. We hope that the RSFH Gives! Campaign will continue to be an opportunity to celebrate our giving spirit as an organization.