If you don’t have health insurance, or if your health insurance does not cover all the costs, there may be federal and state resources that can help. Roper St. Francis Healthcare offers a Financial Counseling service to help patients identify possible options for financial assistance. Eligibility requirements and the application process may be different depending upon the program.
It’s very important that you meet with a Public Benefits Specialist as soon as possible to learn about what may be available to you. For more information on federal and state resources, to schedule an appointment or questions on how you may apply email Roperfinancialassistance@ensemblehp.com or contact our financial counseling department.
Financial Counseling Department
For bills with a date of service before August 1, 2022, call (888) 472-0042.
For bills with a date of service on or after August 1, 2022, call (888) 472-0043.
Monday - Friday
8 A.M. - 5 P.M.