Paying your Medical Bill

We’re glad you’ve chosen our team at Roper St. Francis Healthcare for your care. Deductibles and co-payments are due at the time of service, and any unpaid balances are the responsibility of the patient and must be paid within 30 days of receipt of the statement. Like those with insurance, our uninsured patients may receive discounted charges on their Roper St. Francis bill.

man holding credit card making online payment

Pay your bill

Access payment portal

Numbers to call for billing questions:
For bills, call (888) 472-0043.

Patients may receive separate bills from other providers who rendered care at a Roper St. Francis Healthcare facility for services such as emergency treatment, anesthesia, pathology, and radiology. Payment for those services should be made directly to the billing organization.


Payments may be made via:

  • Online Bill Pay
  • Cash, check, or money order
  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express)
  • e-Check


senior coupleWe bill Medicare for inpatient and outpatient services. Supplemental insurance will also be billed, at the patient's request, if information is provided at the time of service. Patients are responsible for any charges not covered by Medicare and/or supplemental insurance. Learn more about Your Medicare Costs

Financial counseling

If you don’t have health insurance, or if your health insurance does not cover all the costs, there may be federal and state resources that can help. Roper St. Francis Healthcare offers a Financial Counseling service to help patients identify possible options for financial assistance. Eligibility requirements and the application process may be different depending upon the program.

It’s very important that you meet with a Public Benefits Specialist as soon as possible to learn about what may be available to you. For more information on federal and state resources, to schedule an appointment or questions on how you may apply email or contact our financial counseling department.

Financial Counseling Department
For bills with a date of service before August 1, 2022, call (888) 472-0042.
For bills with a date of service on or after August 1, 2022, call (888) 472-0043.
Monday - Friday
8 A.M. - 5 P.M.


Financial assistance

Patients who need help in meeting their financial obligations for the services they receive at Roper St Francis Healthcare and do not qualify for any federal or state programs may apply for financial assistance. Financial assistance is based on the guarantor’s income and ability to pay. This requires completion of financial disclosure forms and a screening process to determine eligibility for the program.

To apply for Financial Assistance, complete the following application, Financial Assistance and Medical Indigency Application or Financial Assistance and Medical Indigency Application - Spanish

For bills with a date of service before August 1, 2022, call (888) 472-0042. For bills with a date of service on or after August 1, 2022, call (888) 472-0043. Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. – 5 p. m., EST, and a patient billing customer service representative will be happy to assist you. Additional information for Federal, State and Local programs. A copy of the financial assistance application can be picked up at any registration desk where you receive services or downloaded below.

Estimate Your Cost

When you need medical care, tests or a procedure, cost is often one of the last things discussed. That essential, but often uncertain, detail can cause additional stress. Now, with our easy-to-use Price Estimation Tool, you can get a rough idea of your out-of-pocket costs for hundreds of our most common services.

This online tool helps you know what to expect before your treatment or procedure — and it’s just one way we help to make health care easier for you.

Price Estimation Tool

Price Transparency

Roper St. Francis Healthcare is committed to providing meaningful information to our patients about their financial obligations for healthcare services. In accordance with the healthcare price transparency regulation, cost information for our most requested patient services is provided below.


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*Pricing as of 1/1/2025

No Surprise Act

Roper St. Francis Healthcare billing practices comply with the No Surprises Act (NSA), a law designed to protect patients against unexpected bills.

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